But we have been soooo busy! We are at the beach for a long-awaited and well-earned vacation. We have spent the last three weeks moving from my house to Brian's condo. I do not suggest moving in June in Georgia (or at any time, really), but it had to be done since my house FINALLY sold. One down, one to go! We closed on my house Friday morning (YEA!) then headed south. We stopped in Albany for two days to stay with Grammy, then headed on down to the beach on Sunday morning.
The boys are doing great, Parker is eating well and starting to get chubby rolls on his arms and legs - so cute! I took him to the doctor's office last Monday to get him weighed when he was 12 weeks, and he weighed in at 11 lbs., 4 ozs. He gained exactly one pound in a month, which is really good. He's holding at the 19th percentile, so we're really happy about that. We saw Dr. Burstein (the plastic surgeon) a few weeks back, and he was happy with how he was doing, so they went ahead and scheduled his surgery for December 7th. I'm already dreading it, but will be happy to get it done and over with.
He's really starting to develop a personality, smiling and cooing at us. He's quite a talker and a charmer - no one can resist that gummy smile! We have also determined that he wants to be a big boy - one of his favorite things to do is to sit up and will try to sit up by himself and gets mad if you don't help him!
Peyton is going to Summer Camp at his daycare three days a week. They go on field trips at least 3-4 times per week. He's already done some really fun things this summer like attending a minor league baseball game (the Gwinnett Braves), a WNBA Game to see the Atlanta Dream, laser tag, trout fishing, soccer camp, and in a few weeks will be going to visit the Atlanta Falcons training camp for the day. Makes me want to go to camp!
We had the boys pictures taken 6 weeks ago - Parker was exactly 6 weeks old and Peyton is 6 years old. Enjoy, and hopefully we will be able to post some beach photos in the next couple of days.