Friday, June 20, 2008

Bad Blogger!

I'm going to try to do better. I'm a horrible blogger. I love reading other people's blogs, but really bite when it comes to writing one of my own. So, I will start with a couple of new photos and a brief update on what's been going on lately with the RR.

First of all, he's a graduate! The RR graduated from Pre-K on May 22nd. He had such a great year with wonderful teachers.

To celebrate graduation and Memorial Day, we took a trip to Blue Mountain Beach in Florida. We just love it there, it's gorgeous. We're going back over the July 4th Holiday, so only 12 more days to go! I can't wait.

The RR also lost his first tooth on May 29th, and the next one on June 5th, one week later. He was so proud of himself, and the Tooth Fairy was very good to him. He also earned his Tiny Tiger Green Belt in Karate. He has done so well in Karate, and I want him to continue, it's just a matter of logistics in getting him over to the studio since he has completed all parts of the after-school program.

The RR is also enjoying Summer Camp, he goes on at least 3 field trips per week. I took a day off last week and went with him to the trout farm where he caught his first fish. He was so excited!

Pretty boring stuff, but I'll take boring over what we have been dealing with for the past couple of months in a second!
Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers