Monday, May 18, 2009

Look Ma, No Tube!

I wanted to be sure it stuck, so sorry for the news delay, but we are officially tube-free! Last Sunday the 10th (Mother's Day), Parker pulled his NG tube out. Now, this in and of itself is not that unusual, he pulled it out quite often. The difference was that this time we didn't put a new one down right away because we needed a new one. Well, I think he figured out if he ate what he needed to from his bottle, he wouldn't have to have that horrible tube stuck back down his nose and throat, and he just took off with the eating! Not only was he finishing his mandatory 65 cc's, he started wanting more, first working up to 75 cc's every three hours, then 80 cc's. He has definitely moved to a three hour eating schedule, and when that three hour mark approaches, you had better be ready or you will feel. the. wrath. That boy gets angry if he has to wait for his food! He's doing fantastic and weighed in yesterday at 9 1/2 lbs. He is now in the 18th percentile for his weight when just a week ago he was in the 11th. We are very excited about his progress!

We have our first appointment with Dr. Burstein tomorrow. He is the plastic surgeon who will be doing Parker's surgery later this year. We are hoping after tomorrow we will know a bit more about what our course of treatment is from now until surgery, and what to expect when it is time for the actual cleft repair. Right now we don't know a whole lot outside of what we read on the internet. I will post what we find out so all of you will know after our appointment.

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers