Parker is doing well tonight after his palate repair and ear tube surgeries this morning. Brian and I were amazed at how quickly Dr. Burstein and Dr. Yaunta completed his surgeries! Within 45 minutes he was totally done. Amazing! He's pretty groggy tonight, still trying to overcome the effects of the anesthesia and he's also being given morphine for pain. Hopefully we can wean him down to Tylenol 3 later this evening. The nurses say it's a bit more effective and lasts longer. Hopefully we can all get some sleep tonight! A friend I met on the Baby Center Message Board that had her daughter's palate repair here a month ago gave us the tip that they would bring a regular bed for Parker and I to sleep in if we asked. Thanks December! They're bringing our big bed now!
For those of you who know how nervous I have been, you'll be happy to know I held it together pretty well. A few tears when they came to take him back, then I did well. Waiting is so hard, but thankfully it took less time than we expected, so that definitely helped.
We are in room 101 at Scottish Rite. Once we got to the room they brought Parker to us. He's had quite a bit of bleeding from his mouth and nose, but it has gotten progressively lighter thoughtout the evening and has pretty much stopped now. He's shown some signs of his regular self - he's given Dad and I a few smiles tonight and is doing quite a bit of kicking, which is one of his favorite things to do!!!
The one bit of trauma this afternoon was a red, puffy IV site which caused the nurses to decide they had to pull it and call the IV team to re-start it. Well, it took three sticks and about 30 minutes before they could get it started. Dad and I both were about to become unglued, and Parker raised holy h-e-double hockey sticks. I don't blame him - those catheters HURT! I don't know if I could have endured three times myself, I still remember the IV stick being one of the most painful parts of my labor and delivery with him. Hopefully that will be the last bit of trauma while we are here. Now, we've just got to work on eating so we can get home.
I'll leave you all with some photos of the day, and will post more tomorrow after we (hopefully) get some sleep!
Thanks for all of the prayers, encouragement, calls and e-mails. We appreciate it more than you know!
