Monday, March 30, 2009

Ready or Not...

Yesterday morning when I took my blood pressure, wait...back up... Last Wednesday at my regular check-up, my midwife was a bit concerned about the sudden increase in my blood pressure. Now you should know that my blood presure normally runs around 100-105/60-65. Last Wednesday it was 120/80. She told me to continue to monitor it over the next several days and come back in on Monday.

I took it at work Thursday and Friday and at home through the weekend on our small battery-operated machine, and it kept going up, even though I did absolutely nothing over the weekend but sit in the recliner with my feet up. On yesterday morning, it was 131/96 - quite high for me, so I decided to call my doctor's office. They had me come into the hospital for labwork and monitoring, and decided to keep me and induce me this morning. I was surprised but very excited, I am so ready to meet my new little man!

They started me on a medication called Cervadil last night to help the induction process get started, then this morning they will start me on Pitocin to get my contractions started - oh, yea. I'm already in pain and have had about an hours worth of sleep all night. When they start the Pitocin there had better be an anesthesiologist close behind... Maybe then I can get some sleep. Why is it that you never sleep in the hospital and they have the most uncomfortable beds ever???

So... sometime today we should get to meet our new little boy! I'm excited, but also pretty nervous. Will post more later!

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