After going through over 1,000 photos, I've finally gotten our wedding photos in a manageable format. Enjoy!
The day my first son was born was the day I found my true calling in life - to be a Mommy. Little did I know that the precious little baby I held in my arms would grow to become the Rotten Rascal in no time at all, and I couldn't be happier about it! In fact, I loved it so much that I'm doing it all over again! Ahhh,the joys of motherhood... Welcome to the Antics of the Rotten Rascals and Their Very Frazzled Mommy!
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Oh, BOY!
Yep, that's right - another boy! We found out yesterday that we will be having another little boy joining our family. We are all very happy and excited, and I get to gloat a bit because I was right! All of my friends, co-workers, even Brian and Peyton thought we were having a girl. I kept telling them it was a boy! Only my Mom, one of my friends and I were right. Now, on to the search for a great boy name for this little guy. Peyton is partial to "Juan Carlos", who is a friend in his class. Brian and I cracked up at that suggestion, so now I'm referring to the baby as "Juan" or "JC".
Everything looked great on the ultrasound - development on target to the day, strong 4-chambered heart, normal measurements for all extremeties, just perfect. I feel really well too, so life is good!
I have so many things to be thankful for this Thanksgiving. My wonderful hubby and my little boys, great friends and family. I couldn't ask for more.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Everything looked great on the ultrasound - development on target to the day, strong 4-chambered heart, normal measurements for all extremeties, just perfect. I feel really well too, so life is good!
I have so many things to be thankful for this Thanksgiving. My wonderful hubby and my little boys, great friends and family. I couldn't ask for more.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Wow, We Really Did It!
Got married, that is. It's official! We were married on Sunday, October 5th at 12:00 noon. I'm so very happy and excited. I'll be even more so next week when we are officially on our Honeymoon cruise to Key West, Cozumel, and Belize. The RR did so well during the ceremony. He was quite the little man, walking me down the aisle, and standing so still and tall during the ceremony. He was so handsome in his little suit!
Everything about the day was great-the weather, the friends and family, the food, and especially the cake! We had a great time at the Chateau and got to spend some real quality time with BG's grandparents, aunt and uncle. I don't have a lot of photos yet, but here's a sneak peek!
Everything about the day was great-the weather, the friends and family, the food, and especially the cake! We had a great time at the Chateau and got to spend some real quality time with BG's grandparents, aunt and uncle. I don't have a lot of photos yet, but here's a sneak peek!

Tuesday, September 30, 2008
The Bean Jumps!
We went today for our second OB appointment. We had another ultrasound, which was awesome, because this time, instead of a bean-looking blob on the screen with a flashing heartbeat, we saw a real, live bean - that jumps! It's amazing at 12 weeks you can see fingers, toes and nose. The baby moved around for us quite a bit too. It was amazing.
Everything went very well, the baby is measuring perfectly, the heartbeat is right on target, and Mommy gained no weight through the first trimester with no sickness (yea me!). The lack of weight gain is certainly not for lack of eating, I am still hungry all the time, but it does seem to be getting better, as well as the fatigue, which finally seems to be subsiding a bit.
In other news, T-Minus 5 days and counting until we're married!!! I'm just now starting to get a bit stressed out, but it's still not too bad. I think it's because at this point, I know what's important to me, and it certainly ain't a wedding. I'm so excited to be marrying my best friend and I'm so ready for us to start our new life and family together!
Everything went very well, the baby is measuring perfectly, the heartbeat is right on target, and Mommy gained no weight through the first trimester with no sickness (yea me!). The lack of weight gain is certainly not for lack of eating, I am still hungry all the time, but it does seem to be getting better, as well as the fatigue, which finally seems to be subsiding a bit.
In other news, T-Minus 5 days and counting until we're married!!! I'm just now starting to get a bit stressed out, but it's still not too bad. I think it's because at this point, I know what's important to me, and it certainly ain't a wedding. I'm so excited to be marrying my best friend and I'm so ready for us to start our new life and family together!
Thursday, September 18, 2008
I have never been this tired in my life. Seriously. All I want to do is sleep, sleep, and then when I wake up, sleep some more. It doesn't help that I'm not sleeping so great most nights. Dangdable night sweats are killing me! This has to let up soon, I'm a walking zombie...
Thursday, September 11, 2008
To Test or Not To Test?
O.K. I mean it this time. I really am going to do better. I am committing to writing a little something here at least a few times a week. If I don't, these days are going to pass by and I'll remember nothing.
I'm exhausted. I know I wasn't nearly this tired when I was pg with the RR. It's debilitating, but also reassuring, because I know my body is doing what it is supposed to. Since I've learned I'm expecting, I think so often of my sweet nieces that were taken from us far too soon. I am so frightened about the health and well-being of this baby. I wish I wasn't, but I just can't help it.
We went in for our first Dr's visit last Friday, September 5th. The ultrasound a la dildo-cam was awesome. It's amazing that such a tiny being can have a real, honest-to-goodness beating heart. We not only got to see the heartbeat, we also got to hear it. At around 170 BPM, the tech said it was right on target and that everything looked great. I measured 8 weeks 6 days, so I am also right on target there as well with an April 13th, 2009 due date. I just found out a couple of days ago that Easter is on April 12th, so I guess we have ourselves a little Peep!
We then had the distinct honor of speaking with a doctor brand-new to the practice (like 3 weeks new), who couldn't have been nearly as old as we were. I got to hear all about "advanced maternal age" from a young, over-educated punk. "I don't mean you're old, I would never say that", but I know as well as anyone that's code for "You're kind of old to be having a baby." Whatever.
What did bother me about the conversation was the discussion on advanced second trimester testing. Apparently there are all kinds of tests available to you when you are of "advanced maternal age". I am very torn about it. I absolutely do not want an amnio or CVS. So why take a screening test if I'm not going to have further diagnostic testing? If my levels come back high, I will freak out and worry for four months, possibly over nothing. However, if I do have the test and it comes back low, will I be lulling myself into a false sense of security?
Anyone out there have any insight that has already been through this?
I'm exhausted. I know I wasn't nearly this tired when I was pg with the RR. It's debilitating, but also reassuring, because I know my body is doing what it is supposed to. Since I've learned I'm expecting, I think so often of my sweet nieces that were taken from us far too soon. I am so frightened about the health and well-being of this baby. I wish I wasn't, but I just can't help it.
We went in for our first Dr's visit last Friday, September 5th. The ultrasound a la dildo-cam was awesome. It's amazing that such a tiny being can have a real, honest-to-goodness beating heart. We not only got to see the heartbeat, we also got to hear it. At around 170 BPM, the tech said it was right on target and that everything looked great. I measured 8 weeks 6 days, so I am also right on target there as well with an April 13th, 2009 due date. I just found out a couple of days ago that Easter is on April 12th, so I guess we have ourselves a little Peep!
We then had the distinct honor of speaking with a doctor brand-new to the practice (like 3 weeks new), who couldn't have been nearly as old as we were. I got to hear all about "advanced maternal age" from a young, over-educated punk. "I don't mean you're old, I would never say that", but I know as well as anyone that's code for "You're kind of old to be having a baby." Whatever.
What did bother me about the conversation was the discussion on advanced second trimester testing. Apparently there are all kinds of tests available to you when you are of "advanced maternal age". I am very torn about it. I absolutely do not want an amnio or CVS. So why take a screening test if I'm not going to have further diagnostic testing? If my levels come back high, I will freak out and worry for four months, possibly over nothing. However, if I do have the test and it comes back low, will I be lulling myself into a false sense of security?
Anyone out there have any insight that has already been through this?
Friday, June 20, 2008
Bad Blogger!
I'm going to try to do better. I'm a horrible blogger. I love reading other people's blogs, but really bite when it comes to writing one of my own. So, I will start with a couple of new photos and a brief update on what's been going on lately with the RR.
First of all, he's a graduate! The RR graduated from Pre-K on May 22nd. He had such a great year with wonderful teachers.

To celebrate graduation and Memorial Day, we took a trip to Blue Mountain Beach in Florida. We just love it there, it's gorgeous. We're going back over the July 4th Holiday, so only 12 more days to go! I can't wait.

The RR also lost his first tooth on May 29th, and the next one on June 5th, one week later. He was so proud of himself, and the Tooth Fairy was very good to him. He also earned his Tiny Tiger Green Belt in Karate. He has done so well in Karate, and I want him to continue, it's just a matter of logistics in getting him over to the studio since he has completed all parts of the after-school program.

Pretty boring stuff, but I'll take boring over what we have been dealing with for the past couple of months in a second!
First of all, he's a graduate! The RR graduated from Pre-K on May 22nd. He had such a great year with wonderful teachers.

To celebrate graduation and Memorial Day, we took a trip to Blue Mountain Beach in Florida. We just love it there, it's gorgeous. We're going back over the July 4th Holiday, so only 12 more days to go! I can't wait.

The RR also lost his first tooth on May 29th, and the next one on June 5th, one week later. He was so proud of himself, and the Tooth Fairy was very good to him. He also earned his Tiny Tiger Green Belt in Karate. He has done so well in Karate, and I want him to continue, it's just a matter of logistics in getting him over to the studio since he has completed all parts of the after-school program.
The RR is also enjoying Summer Camp, he goes on at least 3 field trips per week. I took a day off last week and went with him to the trout farm where he caught his first fish. He was so excited!

Pretty boring stuff, but I'll take boring over what we have been dealing with for the past couple of months in a second!
Thursday, January 17, 2008
A Birthday Present from Jesus and God
Yesterday was the RR's 5th birthday. Wow, where has the time gone? I literally feel like I blinked and he is all grown up, which is something I'm sure all parents can understand. He's certainly not a baby anymore, and I have to say I was a little depressed about it. Until... we got snow, which is something we hardly ever get!
He had a blast in the backyard, playing Tee-Ball, then we went to dinner (Mexican, his favorite, of course), came home and had a snowball fight with his uncle. He said that the snow was "A birthday present from Jesus and God". Love it! :)
He had a blast in the backyard, playing Tee-Ball, then we went to dinner (Mexican, his favorite, of course), came home and had a snowball fight with his uncle. He said that the snow was "A birthday present from Jesus and God". Love it! :)

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