Thursday, September 11, 2008

To Test or Not To Test?

O.K. I mean it this time. I really am going to do better. I am committing to writing a little something here at least a few times a week. If I don't, these days are going to pass by and I'll remember nothing.

I'm exhausted. I know I wasn't nearly this tired when I was pg with the RR. It's debilitating, but also reassuring, because I know my body is doing what it is supposed to. Since I've learned I'm expecting, I think so often of my sweet nieces that were taken from us far too soon. I am so frightened about the health and well-being of this baby. I wish I wasn't, but I just can't help it.

We went in for our first Dr's visit last Friday, September 5th. The ultrasound a la dildo-cam was awesome. It's amazing that such a tiny being can have a real, honest-to-goodness beating heart. We not only got to see the heartbeat, we also got to hear it. At around 170 BPM, the tech said it was right on target and that everything looked great. I measured 8 weeks 6 days, so I am also right on target there as well with an April 13th, 2009 due date. I just found out a couple of days ago that Easter is on April 12th, so I guess we have ourselves a little Peep!

We then had the distinct honor of speaking with a doctor brand-new to the practice (like 3 weeks new), who couldn't have been nearly as old as we were. I got to hear all about "advanced maternal age" from a young, over-educated punk. "I don't mean you're old, I would never say that", but I know as well as anyone that's code for "You're kind of old to be having a baby." Whatever.

What did bother me about the conversation was the discussion on advanced second trimester testing. Apparently there are all kinds of tests available to you when you are of "advanced maternal age". I am very torn about it. I absolutely do not want an amnio or CVS. So why take a screening test if I'm not going to have further diagnostic testing? If my levels come back high, I will freak out and worry for four months, possibly over nothing. However, if I do have the test and it comes back low, will I be lulling myself into a false sense of security?

Anyone out there have any insight that has already been through this?

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